Jan. 18, 2022
LICP2035: In the know
Island Institute Fellow Melanie Nash featured in CBIA newsletter – read all about it!
The latest issue of Nor by East, the Casco Bay Island Alliance newsletter, features Melanie Nash, our Island Institute fellow who writes about her experience joining the LICP2035 team and the work she is doing. Melanie joined Long Island’s team in September 2021. We are keeping her extremely busy as she helps us with major writing projects as well as taming our growing collection of electronic documents. Congrats Melanie! Here’s her story:
Nor By East Featuring Melanie Nash Jan 2022
Long Island’s Island Institute Fellow Melanie Nash explaining preliminary survey findings at the Oct. 2, 2021 LICP2035 in-person visioning session at the Long Island Community Center. The meeting was attended by nearly 50 people and generated much discussion about the LICP2035 team’s work on behalf of Long Island.
Jan. 13, 2022
Dec. 1, 2021
Linda McCann of our communications team wrote these two articles for the December 2021 Long Islander. Please take a look at her explanation of where we are in the comprehensive plan process.
Oct. 1, 2020
This article by Linda McCann of our communications team appeared in the October 2021 Long Islander.
Aug. 26, 2021
LICP2035: In the know
Paper surveys may be dropped off at the
LI Town Office through Monday, Sept. 6
With the Sept. 6 deadline approaching to complete LICP2035 surveys, we want to remind everyone that the paper surveys may be placed in the mail slot – pictured below – at the LI Town Office.
The survey is a chance for everyone connected to the island to have a voice as we collect information to chart the town’s vision over the next 15 years. We expect a handful of paper surveys from those who aren’t able to use a computer.
All paper surveys are being processed by our colleagues at the Greater Portland Council of Government (GPCOG), which is under contract to help analyze the electronic and paper survey returns.
The mail slot is to the right of the town office door,
beneath the locked and unusable ballot box.
If you have a computer and you still haven’t completed your survey, please use this link open the survey. Here’s the link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LongIslandME
If you have a cell phone with a camera, you may use the QR code shown below to link to the survey, which takes about 10 minutes to fill out.
You may also hand your ballot to any of our LICP2035 team members listed below:
Janice Avignon (Chair)
Nancy Berges (Long Island Historical Society)
Matt Byers
Peter Dolan
Steve Hart (Planning Board)
Nate Johnson
Dennis McCann (Wellness Council)
Linda McCann
Jane Oldfield-Spearman (Long Island Civic Association)
Beth Marchak (Wellness Council)
Patti Papkee (Star of the Sea)
Erica Papkee (Recreation Department)
Matt Purington
Alanna Rich (Evergreen United Methodist)
Wes Wolfertz (Finance Committee).
Aug. 8, 2021
LICP2035: In the know
LICP2035 survey dislikes: Contractor woes, ticks & town government
A lack of resources including contractors, problems with ticks and inequities in town governance are some of the major concerns cited so far in survey results for the Long Island Comprehensive Plan (LICP) 2035.
With nearly 180 responses – all anonymous – the information provides a window into what community members are thinking.
The LICP 2035 survey is available until Monday, Sept. 6 at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LongIslandME. We urge anyone with a connection to Long Island to fill out the survey – homeowners and their families, renters, visitors, seasonal folks and newcomers. This plan provides guiding principles for decisions the town makes about growth and development over the next 15 years. Topics include the economy, housing, public services, management of water and natural resources, among others. There is also a link on the Town of Long Island website https://townoflongisland.us/wp/?page_id=4234 or you may scan this QR code with your cell phone camera to directly access the survey.
Let your voice be heard!
Our colleagues at the Greater Portland Council of Governments (GPCOG), who are managing the survey for us, provided a summary of open-ended responses to date.
One of the most interesting is peoples’ opinions about what they like least about Long Island. GPCOG summarized the written responses this way:
• Lack of resources: Lack of restaurants and commercial businesses, lack of contractors or people to help with home repairs, expense and effort needed to bring people to the island to do this work.
• Internet
• Tick/wildlife management – The amount of ticks, mosquitos, and deer
• Small town politics/general government issues
o This included a disparity in rule enforcement, regulatory enforcement and micromanagement, lack of dealing openly and fairly with issues, disparity in tax valuations, lack of responsiveness from town officials. Several people mentioned the disparity in seasonal versus year-round residents in the decision making—specifically that summer residents still pay taxes but are not included in making any decisions.
o Also included were a number of responses revolving around the petty arguments, gossipy nature of the island
• Seasonal and newcomers versus year-round residents – these comments go beyond the political nature of island disputes. People mentioned it felt clique-like, that people felt excluded, and that there is a general animosity between longtime year-rounders and seasonal and newcomer folks.
• Ferry schedule – the lack of frequent service, especially in the winter
• Junk/eyesores/trash around the island
• Housing (rentals)
o Too many renters and the short-term rentals that bring in party people
o Rentals are generally only short term and are getting too expensive. Both are pushing young Long Islanders out of the market.
• Several other comments included:
o Lack of parking/too many cars
o Driving too fast
o Rude visitors
GPCOG also summarized responses to the question “How can Long Island be better for you?”
• These responses essentially were the same as those cited above. For example: have more resources on the island, better internet, less ticks, more parking, less traffic/cars, expanded ferry schedule
• Others included:
o More community events
o More recreation opportunities (trails, frisbee golf, gym)
o Allow camping
o Need more kids/young families on the island
In response to the question about what peoples’ greatest hope for Long Island was, the most popular response was some form of “stay the same or not change too much,” but the responses also singled out these issues:
o Affordability
o Attracting new families
o Managing growth
All of the data that we gather through this survey will help us to address the areas of top concern as we write the required chapters for the comprehensive plan and tailor it to the needs of Long Island.
We will be looking for more input from island residents through community forums which will begin soon. Look for more information on meetings about housing, wellness, and marine resources which are in the works.
We will continue to share survey results as they become available. Questions or comments? Please contact us at tolicompplan@gmail.com.
LICP2035: In the know is a regular behind-the-scenes look at how the Long Island Comprehensive Plan 2035 volunteer team is helping the community plan for its future. Learn more about LICP2035 at: https://townoflongisland.us/wp/?page_id=4234
July 28, 2021
LICP2035: In the know
The lady behind the LICP2035 logo

Judy Paolini all caffeinated for her next design challenge. Photo courtesy Judy Paolini
Earlier this year, we contacted long-time islander Judy Paolini, who runs her own graphic design and branding business, to design the logo for the Long Island Comprehensive Plan (LICP) 2035.
The Long Island Comprehensive Plan (LICP) 2035 is our community’s
opportunity to provide input about Long Island’s future.
The best way for you to make your voice heard is to take the LICP 2035 survey.
It takes about 10 minutes. The survey is available until Sept. 6, 2021.
Here’s the link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/
A great logo requires some research, so Judy dug into what other communities across the country have done for their comprehensive plans. She produced several designs that combined the best concepts with our town logo (which she previously designed). The winning version now appears here on this webpage, the survey, posters and all our handouts.
We asked Judy a few questions about her efforts:
Q: What was the most surprising thing you learned working on this project?
A: I was surprised at how many communities of all sizes actually created logos and taglines for their comprehensive plans. I believe this helps with community engagement more than just sending out word-heavy documents for citizens to review and react to. It also revealed something about the personalities of each of the communities – some used icons and images that represented the town and others seemed completely aspirational using icons such as stars or flying flags or arrows indicating future and progress. They all used bright, cheerful colors and words that evoked a positive outlook.
Q: You are a veteran of these comprehensive plans aren’t you?
A: I did work on all three comprehensive plans. In the original one my role was helping to write and edit the text for a particular section of the plan (in 1995). In 2008 I helped to edit but also designed the report along with Chris McDuffie. We included graphics and photos to make it more engaging.
Q: What the biggest difference you find working on the comprehensive plan this time compared to past efforts?
A: The big difference between 2008 and now is the reach the internet provides not only for the committee but for engagement with the island community. Now that so many more people have become comfortable with using online platforms like Zoom the fact that so much of our island population can be in different places and still participate is one of the silver linings of 2020.
This email exchange was lightly edited for clarity and typos.
LICP2035: In the know is a regular behind-the-scenes look at how the Long Island Comprehensive Plan 2035 volunteer team is helping the community plan for its future. Learn more about LICP2035 at: https://townoflongisland.us/wp/?page_id=4234
July 23, 2021
LICP2035: In the know
Why ask about demographics?
Some of the questions we ask in our 25-question survey will raise some eyebrows.
Why ask about income, for example? Because questions about demographics – income, age and education, for example – help us comply with state requirements to collect data from the entire Long Island community. And it helps us better understand the rest of the data and produce a more thoughtful comprehensive plan.
(Note: The question about income and the other 24 questions are available at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LongIslandME All responses are anonymous. Please respond by Sept. 6, 2021.)
The state provides us with some income data it expects us to use in the chapter entitled “Population and Demographics,” just as the community did in the 2008 and 1995 reports. The state also provides legislative incentives for us to enact a comprehensive plan that meets its land-use requirements.
State and federal income data can be useful in helping us ensure that we collect as many viewpoints as possible. If our survey finds residents in an income range are underrepresented in our initial survey, we know we need to do more work to make sure we have information from all sectors of our community.
Recent survey results (see chart) show just over one-quarter of the responders said their household income was more than $150,000. An equal number declined to share income information. The third highest response group said its income ranged from $50,000 – $74,999. These are early results. All survey responses are anonymous.
We can cross tab the income results with results for age groups or if the household has school-age children. This information can help us focus on community needs and services.
Ultimately, the data will help us ask the right questions about Long Island’s future.
The income question is especially interesting because one 2019 federal income data release for Maine (very recent in the Census world) pegs Long Island’s median household income at just over $80,000. That figure is far higher than the $55,425, which is the average across Maine. We certainly have a lot to learn from the responses to this question.
LICP2035: In the know is a regular behind-the-scenes look at how the Long Island Comprehensive Plan 2035 volunteer team is helping the community plan for its future. Learn more about LICP2035 at: https://townoflongisland.us/wp/?page_id=4234
July 10, 2021
LICP2035 Community Challenge Update
Photo courtesy Mark Greene
A big thank you from the Long Island Comprehensive Plan 2035 team to everyone who cheered us on at the July 4th parade. We handed out lots of business cards with the QR code to link your cell phone to our initial survey. To produce a comprehensive plan that will benefit our community for the next 15 years, we need to hear from everyone. By filling out the survey, you can help your neighborhood win bragging rights as the winners of our Community Challenge!
The survey is online until September 6, 2021 at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LongIslandME
Here’s what we know about the Community Challenge so far: The initial round of 54 responses shows most of those responding are from East End neighborhoods, followed by the West End and the Central Region. Ideally, we’d like to see all geographic regions of the island equally represented. Which neighborhoods will produce the most responses? The challenge is on!
Here’s a closer look at the data about responses by neighborhoods:
Response by neighborhoods
East End neighborhoods 24 / 44% Central neighborhoods 9 /17% West End neighborhoods 21/38%
We also know that, so far, most of the responders are older. We are eager to hear from community members in all age groups. The largest group of responders is in the 55-64 age range. The second highest is the next older group. So everyone under 55 – we need to hear from you!
Response by age group
We will be updating these numbers periodically as more community members fill out their surveys. We will also dig into the data and talk about some of the obvious – and surprising results. Help us reach our goal – as many surveys as possible – and let your voice be heard.
July 1, 2021
See you on the parade route!
Join the LICP2035 Community Challenge
Which neighborhoods on Long Island have filled out the most comprehensive plan surveys? The results so far show the East Enders are in the lead, but those of you from the island’s Central section and the West End still have plenty of time to beat them. Let’s hear you loud and clear – East, West, Central! We’ll post weekly results through the end of July. All you have to do is fill out the LICP2035 online survey. Here’s the link:
What will you win? No, not another watermelon! You’ll win bragging rights for the next 15 years. Priceless!
Watch for our float in the July 4th parade. We’ll be passing out business cards with the QR code link to take the survey if you haven’t already done so. Or, just take one and pass it on.
Happy Firecracker,
The LICP2035 Team
Our LICP2035: In the know column will resume next week
June 24, 2021
LICP2035: In the know
Comprehensive plan looks to future
Why is Long Island working on a comprehensive plan?
Excellent question!
The State of Maine, like other states, expects its communities to produce plans that capture citizens’ thoughts about what their future should look like. In smaller communities like Long Island, these citizen efforts are usually orchestrated by the community’s leadership and volunteers can take up to two years to complete their work.
The teams are generally 10-20 people who take on specific tasks – helping design surveys, creating a community outreach plan, designing group meetings and interviews, and researching and writing chapters in the report. In larger communities like Portland, professional staffs produce the report.
No matter how small or big the community, the state’s planning office offers very specific guidance for content and organization of the report. Here’s a peek at the spreadsheet sent to each community. LICP2035 MAINE STATE CHECKLIST There are more than a dozen chapters. Topics include Water Resources, Agriculture and Forestry, Marine Resources and the Economy.
The state also supplies data for communities to use in their analyses. Some data are contained in spreadsheets. Other information comes from either the federal or state census offices. Even with these statistics available, the state encourages communities to gather their own facts and figures. We have already begun that process.
The comprehensive plan provides another benefit: It is a roadmap for the future. It offers the Long Island community
– guiding principles as the basis for making decisions in town management and growth
– guidelines to prioritize allocation of limited resources and guide to future action
– access to free resources: qualifies town for numerous state and local grants and funding opportunities
– help for the town to control our own destiny – enables town to have legal protection and control over land use ordinances
Our initial effort to collect data is the survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LongIslandME We urge all members of the Long Island community to please respond by Sept. 6, 2021.
LICP2035: In the know is a weekly behind-the-scenes look at how the Long Island Comprehensive Plan 2035 volunteer team is helping the community plan for its future. Learn more about LICP2035 at https://townoflongisland.us/wp/?page_id=4234
June 13, 2021
The LICP 2035 Survey is now available
I am very excited to announce that after months of work and discussion, the Long Island Comprehensive Plan (LICP) 2035 survey is now on line.
Here is the link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LongIslandME
This survey – which is completely anonymous – is our initial request for citizen input as we develop our state-mandated comprehensive plan for the next 15 years or so.
It was developed in cooperation with the Greater Portland Council of Governments (GPCOG) which is also helping us with other aspects of the plan.
Community members who live on, rent on or have a connection to Long Island are encouraged to fill out the survey. Your views and vision will help us shape the conversation about town services, climate change and how the town should change.
The 25-question survey should take about 10-15 minutes to complete. The survey will be available on line until September 6, 2021.
Some residents tell us they would like to see the questions in advance. Feel free to download the .pdf version below, especially if you would like to focus on our open-ended questions.
We will also have a limited number of paper surveys available at locations like the Long Island Community Library, Ivy Hall, Byers & Sons Bakehouse, Boathouse, and the Town Office. All paper surveys must be left at the Town Office.
Please feel free to contact us at tolicompplan@gmail.com with questions. One of our team members will get back to you.
Our volunteer group, like the groups that produced the 1996 and 2008 plans, will spend two years putting this comprehensive plan together.
Our colleagues at GPCOG will do the data analysis of the survey. After their work is done, we look forward to sharing the results of the survey later this year.
Filling out the survey will make you a part of Long Island’s future. Remember, your responses are anonymous!
Sincerely, Janice Avignon
Chair on behalf of the LICP2035 team
Please click on these informational links to learn more about the LICP2035
Our mission, members, timeline, logo and frequently asked questions and answers are contained in a downloadable, printer flier: LICP2035 FLIER
Our role and responsibilities: LICP2035 ROLES
Our survey, this version for downloading and printing only: LICP2035 SURVEY
Our meeting minutes: LICP2035 MINUTES
Our previous comprehensive plans:
2008 Town of Long Island Comprehensive Plan
2008 Town of Long Island Comprehensive Plan Policies and Strategies
1995 Town of Long Island Comprehensive Plan