Flood Insurance Maps

The 2017 revised Preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) is available for your inspection. A statutory 90-day appeal period is required when FEMA revises a FIRM. We will be notified two weeks before the start of the 90-day appeal period with details of the appeal process. This notice will provide the first and second publication dates of notices to be published in the Portland Press Herald. The appeal period will start on the second publication date.

You may view the revised Long Island FIRM here:

2017 Revised Long Island Flood Plain Maps

Paper copies of these maps are available for viewing at Town Hall.

If you wish to see if your property lies in a flood zone on the current FEMA Long Island floodplain map the instructions for doing so are here:  FIRMette Instructions July 2021. The current floodplain maps can also be accessed here: Current Floodplain Maps. If you need help determining if a particular structure is or is not in a flood zone shown on the current Long Island floodplain maps contact the GIS mapping assistant (itadmin@longislandmaine.org).

A small Maine island town