June, 5 2024
Project Summary to Date
Ponce’s Landing project information
Ponce’s Landing is a commercial wharf owned by the Town of Long Island. It was formerly used as the ferry landing for Long Island and is now used by commercial fishermen. Fishermen pay an annual fee of $600 to the town to operate from Ponce’s Landing.
At the May 2023 Town Meeting the Town voted to appropriate a sum not to exceed $200,000 to start repairs to Ponce’s Landing. A long-term solution beyond the $200,000 approved funds will need to be pursued once the initial repairs are completed.
As of May 2023, there was $30,500 remaining in the current contract with GEI consultants primarily funded with a $50,000 Department of Marine Resources (DMR) grant. Oversight of repairs including bid specification development is an eligible use of the grant.
The Town worked with GEI consultants to prepare a bid specification package. In September, the bid specification package was sent out to prospective bidders. The Town received a bid from CPM Construction for the short-term repairs. The bid was reviewed by Dan Bannon of GEI Consultants and mobilization costs were reduced. The base bid estimate was determined to be $197,875. Two alternates were recommended (Sister Timber Pile and Timber Ramp Replacement) which were estimated to add $49,000 more to the project.
In December, CPM Construction lost a key employee for the project. They determined that they would not have the capacity to work on the Ponce’s Landing Project until at least fall of 2024.
The Town was able to amend the DMR grant award to extend the use of funds deadline to June 30, 2024. Ongoing grant compliance has been maintained, and progress reports were submitted in a timely manner for the DMR grant.
Detailed Project Timeline
May 2023
At the May 2023 Town Meeting the Town voted to appropriate a sum not to exceed $200,000 to start repairs to Ponce’s Landing. Following the Town Meeting, an RFP was drafted for review. There was $30,500 remaining in the current contract primarily funded with a $50,000 DMR grant. These grant funds were eligible to be used for oversight of repairs and bid specification development costs.
A meeting scheduled with GEI Consultants for June 2nd. The recommended repairs and bid specification were reviewed. GEI Consultants continued to work on bid specifications that were recommended in their inspection report. Five marine contractors were contacted to inform them of the bid specification package that will be sent to them. The DMR grant was set to expire December 2023. A second progress report was submitted to DMR.
An onsite tour with Maine DMR was scheduled for July 4th. The Town waited for the bid specification package from GEI. The MDOT Locally Administered Project (LAP) format was used by GEI to draft the bid specification. An on-site tour of Ponce’s Landing and a review of the Maine DMR $50,000 grant progress was conducted.
GEI completed and distributed the bid specification package for repairs to Ponce’s Landing to the Selectboard and the Waterfront Committee for review. The bid was anticipated to go out September 1st.
The Town met with Dan Bannon of GEI Consultants to review their recommended short-term repairs to Ponce’s Landing. The bid specifications were sent out to prospective bidders. Tribes signed off on the Town’s Self-Verification USACE permit.
Short term repair bids were extended until October 17th. One bid was received from CPM Construction for the short-term repairs in the amount of $231,000 for the base bid items and another $120,000 to $160,000 for the alternate items. The received bid was reviewed by Dan Bannon of GEI Consultants.
Cost reduction items were reviewed for Ponce’s Landing repair project with CPM Contractors and Dan Bannon of GEI Consultants. Mobilization costs were reduced by $34,000, as they secured another Casco Bay project.
Dan Bannon reviewed CPM suggestions on ways to reduce their bid for repairs to Ponce’s Landing. The base bid estimate was determined to be $197,875. Two alternates were recommended (Sister Timber Pile and Timber Ramp Replacement) which were estimated to add $49,000 more to the project.
CPM Construction was contacted regarding the revised cost estimates for the repairs to Ponce’s Landing. CPM Construction lost a key employee for the project and needed to assess their capacity for the project.
January 2024
CPM determined that they will not have the capacity to work on Ponce’s Landing until at least fall of 2024.
The Town was able to amend the grant award to include project oversight, i.e., construction management, as an eligible use of funds as well as extend the deadline to June 30, 2024.
Prock Marine and General Marine were contacted.
The Town followed up with Prock Marine regarding work at Ponce’s Landing.
March- Present
The Town will confirm with CPM that they are on track to commence work November 2024.