Maps & Assessing

Mark Greene is our Maps & Assessing officer.  Mark is assisted by our assessor’s agent, Bob Konczol, and by Curt Murley for GIS matters.

Assessing Data

Information about Long Island property taxes is available HERE.

We provide our GIS maps in the form of Google Earth, Google Maps and PDF files.

PDF Maps

The following maps can be viewed with any PDF viewer. They are formatted for super B size paper (13″ x 19″) and can be printed by any local print service company. Printed copies are available for viewing at Town Hall. Note that these maps identify parcels by lot numbers and you will need a copy of the current tax database (see above) to determine parcel owner names and tax information.

2018-2019 Parcel Map 1 – West End Section
2018-2019 Parcel Map 2 West Central Section
2018-2019 Parcel Map 3 – East Central Section
2018-2019 Parcel Map 4 – East End Section

Official Long Island Zoning Map

Google Earth Maps

To view the Google Earth maps you must have the Google Earth program installed on your computer. Google Earth is free and can be downloaded from this link: Google Earth Download .  Google Earth is available from many sites on the internet.  NOTE: Google Earth is available from many sites on the internet but we advise you to only download it from the Google site.  Downloads from other sites may also install unwanted software and cause browser problems. The town assumes no liability for the effect of this software or these files on your computer, nor can it provide technical assistance therewith.

2024-2025 Long Island Parcels with Tax Data  – work in progress This is a Google Earth file.  When you click on this link it should download to your computer. You must have Google Earth installed on your computer to open and view it.

Long Island Two-foot Contour Map

Long Island Shoreland Zone Boundaries

Proposed FEMA LI Floodplain Map with Elevation Contours This is the proposed FEMA floodplain map for Long Island that will be considered by the town for adoption at some point in the future. You must have Google Earth installed on your computer to view this map.

If you wish to see if your property lies in a flood zone on the current FEMA Long Island floodplain map the instructions for doing so are here:  FIRMette Instructions July 2021. The current floodplain maps can also be accessed here: Current Floodplain Maps. If you need help determining if a particular structure is or is not in a flood zone shown on the current Long Island floodplain maps contact the GIS mapping assistant (

General Note Regarding Parcel Maps

Refer to the tax database spreadsheets above for the current parcel owner and tax information. These spreadsheets are updated throughout the tax year.

The data provided in the tax map are for planning purposes only.  Although considerable time and grant-money has gone into making them as accurate as possible, some inaccuracies undoubtedly remain.  They were created from the paper maps tax maps that the town inherited from the City of Portland after secession.  Those paper maps were imperfect to begin with and degraded further over time.  The town believes that these data are accurate enough for planning and taxation; however, like any tax map, they represent only an estimate of the location of lot boundaries and the size and shape of lots.  Only a professional survey can determine the exact boundaries and size of your property.

That said, if you believe that the maps provided here contain errors that would render town planning and taxation work inaccurate, the town may, after consideration, adjust the data to produce are more accurate depiction of your lot characteristics.  If you wish to submit changes, please consult with our GIS assistant. Call Town Hall to set up an appointment.


A small Maine island town