LICP Comprehensive Plan Committee


Long Island in 2035

Work is underway to update the Town of Long Island Comprehensive Plan which was last updated in 2008. This plan provides guiding principles for decisions the town makes about growth and development. A citizen’s committee has been commissioned and established by the Long Island Planning Board to drive this project on behalf of the community. The committee includes a mix of year-round, part-time and summer residents representing varied community groups and committees.


As a citizens committee commissioned by the Planning Board of the Town of Long Island, we come together to create the new Comprehensive Plan for the Town of Long Island. We will strive to articulate and communicate the shared vision for the future of our town over the next 15 years. In a thoughtful and data driven process to determine community goals and aspirations we will look to include diverse perspectives from across all members of our island community with a transparent and inclusive approach open to all voices. We will work to tap into the rich network of expertise and resources in our own community and be mindful of the responsibility we have to manage resources made available to us to support this project. We will strive to be forward thinking to identify future trends and set goals to manage growth and development.

What we hope to achieve

The comprehensive plan will provide

– guiding principles as the basis for making decisions in town management and growth

– guidelines to prioritize allocation of limited resources and guide to future action

– access to free resources: qualifies town for numerous state and local grants and funding opportunities

– help for the town to control our own destiny – enables town to have legal protection and control over land use ordinances

Committee Membership

Janice Avignon (Chair), Nancy Berges (Long Island Historical Society), Matt Byers, Peter Dolan,  Nate Johnson, Christian LaMontagne, Dennis McCann (Wellness Council), Linda McCann, Jane Oldfield-Spearman (Long Island Civic Association), Beth Marchak (Wellness Council), Patti Papkee (Star of the Sea), Erica Papkee (Recreation Department), Matt Purington, Alanna Rich (Evergreen United Methodist), Wes Wolfertz (Finance Committee).




2008 Town of Long Island Comprehensive Plan

2008 Town of Long Island Comprehensive Plan Policies and Strategies


1995 Town of Long Island Comprehensive Plan

A small Maine island town